2021年,北京,这个工作室 (This One Design) 正式成立。

In 2021, This One Design was officially founded in Beijing.

这个工作室 是一家提供多领域品牌设计和视觉传播服务的工作室,主要从事创意传达与品牌整合策略的咨询与规划业务。我们专注于公共领域的视觉传播,帮助品牌解决视觉形象、艺术指导、图形创意、展览策划、空间规划及出版等方面的问题并提供具有艺术探索精神、创造性的方案。

This One Design is a multi-disciplinary branding & visual communication studio, providing consultation and planning in branding and visual identity. This One Design provides integrated visual solutions to the community, including visual identity, art direction, graphic design, curating, spatial design and publication design, with a dedication to artistic thinking and innovation.

同时,我们的 这个实验室 致力于研发 “让世界更美好” 的设计项目。让我们从对创意的渴求出发,一起发现设计的更多可能性。

At the same time, our independent design lab This One Lab is committed to development products that make the world a better place. With our enthusiasm for creativity, let's explore more possibilities of design together.

田雨萌 | 创始人,平面设计师

2021年成立 这个工作室、现任美国 West Venture Studio 设计师,主要从事品牌设计、艺术指导与书籍装帧。

Yumeng Tian | Founder, Graphic Designer

Now lives in Beijing, China and work internationally. Founder of This One Design, designer of West Ventures Studio. She works primarily in visual identity, art direction and editorial design. 




Tel: 158. 1023. 1466

Mail: thisonedesign@163.com

©2021 This One Design.

